| Astrodienst |
| Offers a large selcection of charts, horoscopes and information. A database of over 200,000 cities with complete timezone and daylight savings time information.
http://www.astro.com/ |
| Astrological Chart Interpretation |
| Describes six steps which enable a novice to gain a basic understanding of a natal chart, without requiring any astronomical or astrological experience.
http://www.geocities.com/wilsontctc/ |
| Astrologik.com |
| Offering brief instant reports on love, sex, karma, health, work, and relationship compatibility, as well as an online course. |
| Astrology Alive |
| Featuring Barbara Schermer, with weekly horoscopes, astrology articles, bookstore, chat and bulletin board.
http://www.astrologyalive.com/ |
| Astrology and the Third Eye |
| Instructions on finding and interpreting your personal moon cycle and fixed stars, together with detailed void of course moon charts and articles about the astrology of attraction.
http://www.angelfire.com/ct2/starchaser/ |
| Astrology FAQ by Michael Star |
| Detailed FAQ for beginners and students.
http://home.istar.ca/~starman/astrofaq.shtml#ASTROLOGY |
| Astrology for the Real World |
| Articles on mundane and personal astrology, including a section on the conflict in Northern Ireland. Also, overview of services provided, and horoscopes.
http://www.claruss.demon.co.uk/astrology |
| Astrology For The Soul |
| Features a course, articles from numerous columnists, daily horoscopes, vedic astrology lessons, newsletter, and message boards.
http://astrologyforthesoul.com/ |
| Astrology in the Age of Aquarius |
| Full ephemeris, tables of houses and online chart calculation. Articles on basic and advanced techniques.
http://www.fortunecity.com/roswell/jekyll/75/index.html |
| Astrology Insights |
| Overview of basic astrology, current transits section, 'Ask Ruby' column, articles and fun astrology.
http://www.astrologyinsights.com/ |