| Sadaqa Donations Online |
| Submit your donations online, to be used for dawah and sadaqa dispersement by Muttaqun OnLine.
http://muttaqun.com/sadaqa2MOL.html |
| Small Kindness |
| A UK registered charity established by Yusuf Islam focusing on helping the needy in some of the poorest countries in the Balkans.
http://www.smallkindness.org |
| The Islamic-American Zakat Foundation |
| A tax-exempt religious and charitable organization whose primary objective is to serve poor and needy Muslims in the United States. Donations can be made online.
http://www.iazf.org |
| The Zakat Foundation of America |
| The Zakat Foundation of America is an International non-profit organization based in Chicago, USA. The Zakat Foundation is providing education, relief and assistance to the needy in the USA and abroad.
http://www.tzfa.org |
| The Zakāt Page |
| The purpose of this site is to develop a better understanding of the worldwide practice of Zakāt (Giving Alms).
http://www.zpub.com/aaa/zakat.html |
| Ummah Welfare Trust |
| A UK registered charity dedicated to helping needy muslims across the world.
http://www.uwt.org/ |
| Zakaat at Islaam.org |
| Zakaat (giving Alms) is one of the five pillars of Islaam. This website helps explain the importance and benefits of giving Zakaat.
http://www.islaam.org/Zakaat/zakaat.htm |
| Zakat - The Prescribed Charity |
| It's a site for the new and general muslims about the way of prescribed charity (Zakat).
http://www.zakat.4t.com |