| Answers on Jesus Christ's Life, Death and Resurrection |
| Answers to all the most frequently asked questions about Christ. Examine the evidence for His divinity, miracles and claims.
http://christiananswers.net/jesus/home.html |
| Beyond Blind Faith |
| Article exploring and investigating the claims of Jesus Christ.
http://everystudent.com/features/faith.html |
| Blackballing Scripture: Scholarship Takes a Beading |
| Exposes the politically correct skeptics and self-proclaimed Jesus experts of the so-called Jesus Seminar.
http://www.gty.org/~phil/articles/jsem.htm |
| BORG |
| Examines the theories of Jesus scholar Marcus Borg, who calls himself a Christian despite being an atheist. The web author uses the descriptive term "atheianity," or atheism dressed and packaged in Christian clothing.
http://www.tektonics.org/borg01.html |
| Breaking The Da Vinci Code - Christianity Today Magazine |
| Examines the bizarre accusations made by the author of the "Da Vinci Code" and ABC News.
http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2003/144/52.0.html |
| Brent Bozell: ABC's Empty Assault on Jesus |
| On Nov. 3, 2003 ABC "News" devoted an hour-long special to a bizarre conspiracy theory which slandered the Lord.
http://www.townhall.com/columnists/brentbozell/bb20031105.shtml |
| Comparing Jesus and World Religions |
| A brief look into the major aspects of Jesus Christ, in contrast to what's in the world's religions.
http://everystudent.com/wires/religions.html |
| Jesus Among Other Gods |
| Ravi Zacharias compares and contrasts how different worldviews understand Jesus.
http://www.jesusamongothergods.com/ |
| Jesus Seminar |
| Concise critique of the presupposition that anything outside the realm of natural explanation can never be backed by historical evidence.
http://www.jesus-seminar.net/ |
| Jesus Seminar Preface |
| A critique of the Jesus Seminar by Dr. Birger Pearson of the University of California.
http://id-www.ucsb.edu/fscf/library/pearson/seminar/home.html |