| PersianDNA™  |
| A website offering services to Zoroastrians across the globe, giving them a place to communicate and learn about their heritage.
http://www.PersianDNA.com |
| Spenta Mainyu' Beacon  |
| A personal comparative journey from a Zoroastrian point of view through 6000 years covering taboo, totemism, primal religions, animism, Sumerian myths, Egyptian myths, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, Sabianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
http://www.geocities.com/spenta_mainyu/ |
| Temple of Zoroaster  |
| An overview of his life and the beliefs associated with him. Some very good illustrations.
http://sangha.net/messengers/zoroaster.htm |
| The Religion of Ahura Mazda revealed by Zarathushtra  |
| The site contains a word by word translation of the Avesta,and the Gatha (the sacred books of the Zoroastrian religion. It also contains other information of the Zoroastrian community throughout the world.
http://www.zoroaster.com |
| The World of Zoroastrianism  |
| Information on the original teachings of the Zoroastrian religion, its founder and its influence and similarites with mayor world religions. Discusses its univeral message and its relevance today.
http://www.zoroastrianism.cc/ |
| The World Zoroastrian Organisation  |
| Activities of the World body, WZO, and information about the ancient religion of Zarathusthra.
http://www.w-z-o.org |
| Traditional Zoroastrianism  |
| The tenets of the religion, religious articles and stories.
http://www.zoroastrianism.com/ |
| Vision-Divine.com  |
| Parsis, Fellow Zoroastrians. Welcome to Vision-Divine.com - a site featuring services like games, matrimonials, egreetings, downloadable wallpapers, and chat.
http://www.vision-divine.com |
| Vohuman.Org  |
| A Web Journal dedicated to distribution of information on The Religion of the Prophet Zarathushtra and the Zarathushti Heritage. The Vohuman.Org Journal is published quarterly on this web site.
http://www.vohuman.org/ |
| Welcome to Zoroastrianism  |
| This website provides a simple description of Zoroastrianism, for non-Zoroastrians interested in the religion.
http://www.geocities.com/farz3/ |