| Back to the Bible  |
| An international radio, television and publishing ministry giving practical counsel for applying God's Word to daily Christianity through media.
http://www.backtothebible.org/ |
| Christian Media Association (ACT)  |
| Includes media bites, community service notices, and exposure of Christian issues for TV and radio stations in the Canberra, Australia, region.
http://www.pastornet.net.au/cmedia/ |
| Coral Ridge Ministries  |
| Ministry of D. James Kennedy is a television, radio, and print outreach. Features Real Audio of weekly messages, devotional, and study guides.
http://www.coralridge.org/ |
| Hayford, Jack  |
| The founding Pastor of The Church On The Way. Radio and TV schedules.
http://www.livingway.org/TVHOME.HTM |
| IEandB All Christian Resources  |
| Live radio feeds, scripture and prayer boards. Features Christian artists with real audio music samples and official site information.
http://mhitchner.home.mindspring.com/ |
| In Touch  |
| Dr. Charles Stanley's TV and radio ministry with daily Real Audio messages.
http://www.intouch.org/ |
| Kingdom Faith Media  |
| Rev. Colin Urquhart's Christian TV and radio broadcasts.
http://www.kingdomfaith.com/media/ |
| Lifeword Broadcast Ministries  |
| Offering radio and television broadcasts around the world. Also has a women's outreach, music products, and a newsletter. Member of the National Religious Broadcasters association.
http://www.lifeword.org |
| Living Word Christian Radio  |
| Ministry outreach program broadcasting hosted by Dr. Ronald E. Hodges.
http://www.lwcr.org/ |
| Power Today  |
| R.W. Schambach's TV and radio program schedules.
http://www.schambach.org/ |