| A Passion for Faith & Grace  |
| Seeks to encourage and help believers with essays, an interactive forum, quotes, thoughts, devotionals, God's promises and 'Why Christianity?'.
http://www.passionforgrace.org.uk |
| A Practical Christian's Tool Kit  |
| Offers steps and disciplines to encourage maturity and spiritual development for both the Christian and non-Christian and examines some of the issues on progressing towards holiness.
http://www.durham.net/~aldo |
| Absolute Holiness  |
| Using a Biblical perspective, holiness in a Christian life is defined, asks if it is expected by God and examines if any Christians have stopped sinning.
http://www.stopsinning.net/ |
| Authentic Walk Ministries  |
| Free discipleship course designed to help a Christian grow.
http://www.authenticwalk.com/ |
| Bible Bell Chronicles  |
| Bible-based guidance on family, human relations, personal needs and problems.
http://www.biblebell.org/ |
| Bridge2heaven  |
| Dedicated to encouraging the serious study of the Holy Bible. Christ centered articles, sermons, Bible research in different translations and Christian music.
http://www.bridge2heaven.com |
| Christian Steps  |
| Challenging articles which seek to help disciples of Christ progress in their walk of faith one step at a time. New additions each month.
http://www.christiansteps.com/ |
| Christian Web  |
| Christian pictures, article, testimony and verse in two languages (English & Indonesia).
http://www.geocities.com/christianwebid/index.htm |
| Christians, A Live by Faith Movement  |
| Teachings on many issues including money, sex, Bible, science and prophecy, also tracts for many situations and advice on problems.
http://www.accsoft.com.au/~xians/home.html |
| Counting the Cost  |
| Examines the idea of abundant living through responsible spending, stewardship, relationships, spiritual growth and service and blessings with ideas, insights and inspirations, both on-line and e-zine.
http://www.countingthecost.com |