| 2002 Gathering of Friends  |
| National Quakers conference held in Normal, Illinois, June 29 - July 6, 2002. (June 29, 2002)
http://www.fgcquaker.org/gathering/ |
| Boundaries with Dr. Henry Cloud  |
| Details about seminars to help people take control of their life and apply Biblical boundaries in key relationships. Contains dates and details of the seminars around the US.
http://drhenrycloud.com/ |
| Catholic Encyclopedia: Holy Year of Jubilee  |
| Background information relating to the Jubilee.
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08531c.htm |
| ChristianSpeakers.com  |
| Bureau providing speakers for the Christian community.
http://www.christianspeakers.com/ |
| Contagious Christian Seminars  |
| Features details about seminars presented by International Bible Society and the Willow Creek Association designed to enable your church to communicate their faith effectively and confidently.
http://www.ibs.org/cos/ |
| Dead Sea Scrolls to the Forbidden Book Exhibit  |
| Traveling exhibition of Dead Sea Scrolls fragments, ancient Biblical manuscripts, and rare Bibles.
http://www.deadseaexhibit.com/ |
| Feast of Tabernacles Sites  |
| A listing of Feast of Tabernacles sites being hosted by various groups around the world. Contact information and links to additional information about the event are included.
http://members.aol.com/Tron686/fotsites.html |
| Gospel Good News  |
| Healing and deliverance event to be held on June 21 2003 in California, USA. Other events are advertised on the site.
http://www.ggn.addr.com/ |
| Hot Hearts Student Conferences  |
| Links to, and information about youth evangelism conferences held in various places around Texas and Arkansas, USA.
http://www.hothearts.org/ |
| Lauren Murray Worship Arts Ministries  |
| A conference providing instruction and counsel for those who involved in praise, worship and prayer in their local church. Workshops include the use of dance and music in ministry. October 24-25, 2003 in Illinois.
http://www.dance4jc.org/conference.htm |