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 Top : Christianity : Denominations : Seventh-day Adventists : Origins and Creation
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 Amazing Discoveries Web Site, The New  New window
 Speaker, Walter J. Veith, Ph. D. Zoology from the University of the Western Cape in South Africa, presents multimedia "Amazing Discoveries Seminar," focusing on scientific evidence for creation, archeological evidence for biblical accuracy, and health principles in the Bible.
 Creation-Evolution Encyclopedia  New window
 Facts and statements from scientists, most of whom are evolutionists, validating this claim that creation is the only viable explanation for the origin of life. Hundreds of pages in length, claiming to be "the most exhaustive resource on the subject of creation vs. evolution on the internet."
 David Plaisted's Creation Page  New window
 Essays on creation and evolution
 Mike's Origins Resource: Creation Science, Prophecy, Biblical Evidence  New window
 Molecular geneticist uses scientific and biblical evidence to investigate origins. Topics include pseudogenes, ancient DNA, biological time clocks, Carbon 14, flood geology, solar system, world history chart, prophecy.

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