| Adullam House  |
| A Boarding school for children of inmates' children.
http://newconvictions.org |
| Annual Recreation Workshop  |
| The ARW is a non-profit organization which trains leaders of recreation and leisure ministry within the Christian Faith. Contains information on current and previous workshops, registration, a country store, scholarships and special information.
http://www.recreationworkshop.org |
| Christian After School Clubs  |
| Conducting after-school clubs, teaching children the Word of God and how to apply it in their lives.
http://www.funwithfaith.com |
| Decatur Masters Commission  |
| Discipleship training. One to three year programs. Information on the organization, their mission, directors, goals of program, application form, products available (to come soon), and calendar of events (to come soon).
http://www.decaturmasters.org |
| Learn - TruthSeekers  |
| Our discipleship aspires to Biblically minister lay believers to spiritual maturity in Christ. Information on courses, Bible studies, registration, ministry support, schedule of events, and a radio station.
http://www.milktomeat.org |
| Logos Bible Institute  |
| Theological school offering certificates and degrees to pastors, ministers,and others who desire the knowledge to work, war and witness for the kingdom of God
http://www.logosbibleinstitute.net |
| Logos System Associates  |
| Midweek ministry that involes youth, children, parents, pastors and members of the congregation in a four-part program where Christian relationships are modeled and practiced. Provides training materials, catalogue of items, seminars and conferences.
http://www.logos-system.org |
| Port Austin Bible Center: Bible Law  |
| Courses offered and fee schedule. Scriptures and commentaries on an extensive list of selected topics.
http://www.biblelaw.com/ |
| RE Today  |
| A comprehensive support for Religious Education professionals, including news of competitions, job vacancies and initiatives within the world of RE
http://www.retoday.org.uk/ |
| St. John in the Wilderness Church  |
| Adult education series with online notes, reference lists, and downloadable handouts.
http://www.stjohnadulted.org/ |