| Adhim.com  |
| Evangelistic billboard ad campaign
http://www.adhim.com/ |
| Amos Scripture Care Trust  |
| Spreading God's Word through custom-made cards.
http://www.amos-sct.org.uk |
| Evantell  |
| Aims to evangelize to millions throughout the world with a clear, biblical presentation of the gospel. Offers online books, videos, tapes, links to their online tracts, newsletters, and an online store.
http://www.evantell.org/ |
| The Billy Graham Center  |
| Documents on the history of American Protestant efforts to spread the Gospel.
http://www.wheaton.edu/bgc/archives/archhp1.html |
| The Good News  |
| Article on God's purpose for people, and Christ as the answer for salvation.
http://www.backtothebible.org/knowgod/thegoodnews_english.htm |