| Christian Missions  |
| Introductory resource for learning about missions.
http://home.snu.edu/~hculbert.fs |
| MisLinks  |
| Directory of missions-related sites on a wide variety of topics.
http://www.mislinks.org/ |
| Missionboard  |
| Directory of Internet resources for missions.
http://www.missionboard.com/ |
| Missions for the Lord  |
| Dedicated to providing information and resources about Christian missions.
http://mftl.net/ |
| The Christian Missions Network  |
| Internet directory and home of The Great Commission Search Engine.
http://www.christianmissions.net/ |
| The Mission Station  |
| Web directory of mission related resources.
http://www.missionaries.org |
| Urbana World Today  |
| News articles related to the world, missions and the church.
http://www.urbana.org/_wtoday.cfm |
| Urbana.org: Search  |
| Searchable database of missions and ministry opportunities. Includes a resume posting database.
http://www.urbana.org/main.search.cfm |
| Window of Opportunity  |
| Explains the "10/40 window" and ways Christians can participate in 10/40 ministries.
http://1040window.org |
| World Evangelical Fellowship Missions Commission  |
| Articles, directory of missions opportunities, global missions calendar.
http://www.globalmission.org/ |