| Christians Against Buchanan  |
| Educating Christians about the truly anti-semitic beliefs of Pat Buchanan.
http://www.christiansagainstbuchanan.com/ |
| Conquest Offender Reintegration Ministries  |
| Christ-centered Washington, DC ministry working with prisoners and ex-offenders to help them successfully reintegrate into society following a prison term.
http://www.conquesthouse.org |
| Joy Ranch  |
| A Christian multi-service child care agency in Virginia providing homes for children who cannot or should not be in their own homes. Joy Ranch puts children on a course to meet Christ.
http://www.joyranch.org/ |
| Mars Hill Audio  |
| Provides an assessment of contemporary culture from a Christian perspective.
http://www.marshillaudio.org |
| Ordination by Mail from World Christianship  |
| Christian ordination by mail for sincere Christians who feel that seminary is too denominational or too expensive, 20 years of Christian service.
http://www.ordination.com |
| RC5 For Jesus  |
| Key Checkers that are living our lives for the glory of God.
http://home.hawaii.rr.com/shy24 |
| Restoration Fellowship  |
| Dedicated to the recovery of the Gospel about the Kingdom as Jesus preached it.
http://www.mindspring.com/~anthonybuzzard |
| Seeds Publications  |
| Church develop an effective discipleship program for new believers. Through the use of our mentor style of discipleship you will see a drastic increase in the retention rate of new believers in your church.
http://www.seeds.org |
| The Center for Progressive Christianity  |
| Statement of belief, directory of progressive churches, organizations, and individuals, message boards, and links. Includes resources on art, culture, theology, religious education, youth, ministries, organizational leadership, and spiritual exploration.
http://www.tcpc.org/ |
| The Christian Court  |
| Helps Christians resolve their disputes and be reconciled through Jesus Christ to God's glory.
http://www.peacemakers.net/christiancourt/ |