| AAmazing Grace Fun Site  |
| Program information, newsletter, and prayer requests.
http://aamazinggrace.org/ |
| Amen Christian Magazine  |
| A multimedia ezine designed to present the gospel over the Internet.
http://www.raleighcommunity.holowww.com/amen/ |
| Answer Magazine  |
| An evangelistic tool which enables ordinary people to share Jesus Christ with their unsaved and unchurched neighbors. It is an interdenominational publication, Bible-centered and doctrinally sound.
http://www.answermagazine.com |
| Available Light  |
| Monthly e-zine reflects on current events, reviews popular Christian books and music, and examines the lives of Biblical characters.
http://members.christweb.com/availablelight/ |
| Believer's Bay Magazine  |
| Columns about Christian focused events in the Tampa Bay area. Also has devotional articles.
http://www.believersbay.com |
| Bible Believers Fellowship - The Good News Letter  |
| Christian newsletter in English & Spanish proclaiming Jesus is Lord & Savior. Articles included - Roadmap to Heaven; Dealing With Discouragement; The Reality of Hell; Living By Faith.
http://www.prisonministry.org/newsletters/newsletter.htm |
| Bible Study Christian Home Page  |
| Christian periodical with Bible study, guest writers, editorials, chat rooms, open forums, maps and photographs.
http://monthly-messenger.org/ |
| Books & Culture: A Christian Review  |
| Engages the contemporary world from a Christian perspective in a lively mix of essays, memoirs, interviews, reviews and excerpts from new and forthcoming books and other regular features. While the magazine's center is Christian, we seek common ground with like-minded souls from other communities of faith.
http://www.christianitytoday.com/books/ |
| CD on the Net  |
| A monthly publication encouraging us to be Christian Disciples. Written by 'normal' people for 'normal' people.
http://members.datafast.net.au/cdnet/ |
| Christian Life Messenger  |
| Devotional messages with the purpose of christian growth.
http://www.christianlifemessenger.com |