| A Billion Hours Call to Prayer  |
| A call for one billion hours of prayer for one billion Buddhists of the world. Includes a prayer guide and seeks commitments from individuals and groups.
http://www.billionhours.org/ |
| A Grain of Wheat  |
| Prayers and reflections on the effect of God's love on our lives
http://www.grainofwheat.net |
| A Prayer Experience  |
| An experience in prayer using photos of the latest natural and man made disasters.
http://www.ozemail.com.au/~sjhop/pe-intro.htm |
| ABC of Prayer  |
| An outline for prayer, a sign-up to hold an ABC Prayer Crusade, and e-mail discussion links for prayer requests and for sharing experiences in prayer.
http://www.tagnet.org/abcprayercrusade/ |
| Adonai's Love  |
| Here you will find links to great Christian prayer examples.
http://members.tripod.com/~ALTAYR/Pray1.html |
| Advocates in Prayer  |
| Group of prayer partners. Requests by e-mail and intercessor partner program.
http://www.prayerlinksministries.com/ |
| Amen-online  |
| An Ecumenical project with prayers from four millennia.
http://amen-online.org |
| America Praying On Line  |
| A community of individuals who share a common faith in Prayer, Jesus Christ and have a genuine concern for you and your family. Post or reply to a prayer request.
http://www.apol.org |
| Angel Pin And Prayer Ministry  |
| Lift up those affected by the Sept. 11th attacks.
http://www.angelfire.com/on4/angelpins/ |
| Answers2Prayer  |
| The site provides inspirational, meditational and theological components.
http://www.answers2prayer.org/ |