| BasicTheology.com  |
| Concise definitions of theological terms and positions, customizable charts comparing viewpoints, and in-depth articles.
http://www.basictheology.com/ |
| Center for Catholic and Evangelical Theology  |
| The CCET is an organization led by Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson that seeks to focus on Jesus Christ and build Christian unity through its own journal, books, and conferences.
http://www.e-ccet.org |
| Christian Theological Research Fellowship  |
| The CTRF is a Christian research organization in systematic and moral theology, and related disciplines. The site contains the Journal for Christian Theological Research - a peer-reviewed scholarly e-journal of Systematic Theology Group of the American Academy of Religion.
http://home.apu.edu/~CTRF/ |
| Coalition on Revival  |
| The Coalition on Revival is a network of evangelical leaders from many major denominational and theological perspectives who share a vision for and commitment to revival, renewal, and reformation of the Church and society. Presents a series of well-researched theological papers.
http://www.angelfire.com/ca4/cor/index.html |
| Creeds of Christendom  |
| Creeds and Confessions of various Christian denominations.
http://www.creeds.net/ |
| Creeds of the Churches  |
| John H. Leith, Editor. A reader in Christian doctrine from the Bible to the present. Viewing full text requires subscription.
http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=9894102 |
| Dignoscentia  |
| Contains articles, recommended books, posters, Bible search tools, and a forum.
http://www.exprimare.com/dignoscentia/default.asp |
| Fundamental Baptist Institute  |
| Presents a wide variety of topical Christian articles by numerous authors.
http://www.fbinstitute.com/ |
| Grace Online Library: Historic Baptist, Reformed & Puritan Resources  |
| Articles, books, sermons, devotional materials, commentaries and many other resources.
http://www.graceonlinelibrary.org/ |
| Protestantism  |
| Discussion on Protestant beliefs and doctrines from the Catholic Encyclopedia.
http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12495a.htm |