| Astrological Geomancy  |
| Copyright 1998 Anthony Louis. An earlier version of this article originally appeared in the 1992 Llewellyn Sun Sign Book and is reproduced here with permission.
http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/astro/TLOUIS4.htm |
| Astronomy and Geomancy in Kyoto  |
| Ancient Astronomy and Geomancy in Kyoto, Japan. By Steve Renshaw and Saori Ihara
http://www2.gol.com/users/stever/kyoto.htm |
| Dodechedron Project (e.v.)  |
| Medieval & western geomancy with on-line simulation using oracles from the astronomical geomancy ascribed to Gerard de Cremone. Member of the geomance webring.
http://dodechedron.tripod.com/ |
| Earth Mysteries: Geomancy  |
| Geomancy refers to an ancient form of divination in which, simply put, handfuls of soil or other materials were scattered on the ground.
http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMGeomancy.html |
| Geomancy  |
| Jenni Bartle-Smith - certified geomancy practitioner providing property assessments and strategies for home and business for improved health, financial, career and emotional circumstances.
http://www.websiteconcepts.com.au/fengshui/geomancy.htm |
| Geomancy  |
| A system of divination that employs the scattering of pebbles, grains of sand, or seeds on the earth and then the interpretation of their shape and position.
http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/g/geomancy.html |
| Geomancy is ...  |
| Geomancy is about using our skills to bring heaven-luck, man-luck and earth-luck to appropriate balance.
http://www.wyrdsmiths.com/beyondfs/tsld009.htm |
| Geomancy Online  |
| Geomancy: Earthy based reading in order to learn what your future holds.
http://www.geomancyonline.com/ |
| Master Ang  |
| Professional Geomancy Services.
http://www.masterang-fengshui.com/ |
| Mid Atlantic Geomancy  |
| Geomancy is the art of placement of both secular and spiritual structures. Geomancy is spiritual ecology. Site has a forum, ezine and mailing list.
http://www.geomancy.org/home.html |