| 101 Insight Cards  |
| An on-line deck of cards offering you personal and spiritual inspiration. Click on a card you are drawn to.
http://www.101insights.com/ |
| Access the Power  |
| Features two oracles: a rune reading and wisdom cards.
http://www.selfpower.com/contents.html |
| Angel Psychic  |
| Immediate Angel Card readings and Karma readings. Must have a credit card and pay $3.95 for each question.
http://www.lode1.com/ |
| AskAlana  |
| Helps you to attract your soul mate, discover your life purpose, embrace your intuition, truly love yourself, create a joyful future, improve your relationships, and connect with your angels and guides.
http://www.askalana.com/ |
| Astrology Matrix  |
| Interactive astrology, Tarot, I-Ching, Numerology, Romance and divination readings.
http://www.thenewage.com/ |
| AstroTruth  |
| Invites the user to take part in questions about their assessment of the next week, and their compatibility with their partners, and then presents the statistical results as forecasts.
http://www.astrotruth.com |
| Cafe Nation  |
| Ask a question and the virtual cup of coffee will give you your answer. Also includes coffee news from around the world.
http://www.cafenation.net/ |
| Click Your Future  |
| A system of electronic dice and numerology which results in different statements to answer the user's question.
http://www.free-numerology.net |
| Cosmos Knows  |
| Allows the user to ask a question about love, money, business, health, spirituality or relationships, to receive a reply and an appropriate quotation.
http://www.cosmosknows.com |
| Crystal Ball  |
| A very simple script that allows you to ask the crystal ball simple 'yes' or 'no' questions.
http://www.imagi-nation.com/moonstruck/question.html |