| Astrology.com.au: Face Reading  |
| Presents an overview of the correlations between face and personality, and includes celebrity face readings.
http://www.astrology.com.au/face/index.asp |
| British Dental Journal: Physiognomy and Teeth  |
| An ethnographic study among young and middle-aged Hong Kong adults, which aimed to investigate the context of traditional beliefs in Chinese physiognomy in the Hong Kong SAR, China.
http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/bdj/journal/v192/n9/full/4801417a.html |
| Face Frontiers  |
| Promotes a book, 'In Your Face' by Bill Cordingley, and gives an overview of the history and uses of this pratice.
http://www.facefrontiers.com/ |
| Images Related to Phrenology and Physiognomy  |
| Brief reviews of several sources containing physiognomical and phrenological images pertaining to race and especially Camper's facial angle and extensive extracts from texts.
http://www.newcastle.edu.au/discipline/fine-art/theory/race/phrenol.htm |
| People Reading  |
| Bill Whiteside's way of face reading and how to use it in personal and professional relationships.
http://www.ireadfaces.com/ |
| Personology Research and Development Center  |
| A school in personology which offers courses by correspondence or in class.
http://www.personology.com/ |
| Physiognomy: Personology  |
| Relates the face reading correlations documented by Dr Edward Vincent Jones to modern personology theory.
http://www.users.totalise.co.uk/~tmd/person.htm |
| Secrets of Your Face  |
| Based on the face reading book by Kiana Lee. Resource provides numerous examples of facial structures with the correlating personality traits. Free mini face reading profiles offered.
http://www.secretsofyourface.com |
| Teachers' Physiognomy  |
| Two articles examining the results of an experiment in which close-up photographs of women were shown to 120 children, who were then asked to select their ideal teacher. From the ELT magazine New Routes.
http://www.disal.com.br/nroutes/nr4/pgnr4_02.htm |
| The Art of Face Reading  |
| Article exploring the process of a traditional Chinese reading.
http://www.chiofearth.com/article4.htm |