| A Wiccan Rune Page  |
| Rune descriptions for wiccan magick practices and divination.
http://www.geocities.com/lavenderwater37/runes.htm |
| Armanen Runes  |
| Course in rune divination on line in six easy lessons by Karl Well. Part of the Basic Rune.
http://www.magitech.com/runes/ |
| Earth Dancing  |
| This interactive site includes the Futhark Runes, Bindrunes, Rune calendar, making Runes, Yggdrasil, Trees, Birth Runes and "Ask The Shaman."
http://www.earth-dancing.com/runes.htm |
| Einherjar Vé  |
| Information, courses, comments, links and description of the European tradition of Stav.
http://www.einherjarve.org.uk |
| Esoteric Runic Bibliography ca. 1985-  |
| An extensive list of recent publications useful to the serious runic scholar and practitioner.
http://www.ukm.uio.no/runenews/bibl-eso.htm |
| Futhark Runes  |
| An exploration of the Ancient Egyptian origins of the Runic glyphs and their astronomical meanings.
http://www.geocities.com/futhark_runes/Ancient_Egyptians_and_the_Futhark_Alphabet.html |
| Futhark.com Runes  |
| Study of the Runic Elder Futhark and norse mythology.
http://www.futhark.com |
| Hrafnsnest  |
| Information about the Rune-Gild. Links to other Rune-Gild sites, as well as sagas, mythology, and historical sites. Site also contains Norse games.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Stage/2785/ |
| Hyperflame Rune Caster  |
| Free on-line runecast with viking runes icons and information.
http://www.hyperflame.com/runes.html |
| Jade Moon Website  |
| Rune Stone readings can be purchased.
http://www.esotericlinks.com/userpages/JadeMoon.shtml |