| Austin Osman Spare: Pictures  |
| Various pictures Spare created.
http://www.hermetic.com/spare/pictures.html |
| Esoteric Art  |
| Alternate Realities in Art and Thought. Some esoteric pieces.
http://www.esotericart.com/fringe/TOC.htm |
| Hermetic Art: Symbols of Personal Transformation  |
| Art via Hermetics.
http://www.alchemylab.com/hermetic_art.htm |
| Hermetic Images  |
| Some digital images available for free download and others for a small fee on CD-Rom.
http://www.mediane.net/hermetic/archive.html |
| Monas: Art  |
| Featuring images of religious, occult, and personal experiments of the webmaster.
http://www.monas.nl/see/art.htm |
| Obsidian Moon  |
| A gallery of pagan, fantasy, and occult art by Lady Rhiannon Morrigan.
http://www.esotericart.com/ObsidianMoon/ |
| On Occult Art  |
| An essay on Occult Art and the meaning behind the movement.
http://www.occultartgallery.com/occultartgallery/essay.html |
| R. J. Poole  |
| Photographic art which contains references to the esoteric tradition.
http://www.rjpoole.com |