| A Magickal Journey  |
| An interactive community with an open attitude towards all faiths.
http://pub105.ezboard.com/bamagickaljourney |
| A Magickal Journey  |
| Internet based community set up for all followers of all spiriitual/religious paths and for those simply interested in developing their own psychic abilities.
http://amagickaljourney.co.uk/forums |
| Alchemical_College  |
| A place to discuss, learn about, and share things of a serious occult nature.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/alchemical_college/ |
| ARCANA Occult Elists  |
| Directory of e-mail lists composed primarily of practical areas of esotericism.
http://www.smoe.org/arcana/lists.html |
| Astral Flux  |
| Community for occultists to share experiences. All areas of spirituality and occult are open for discussion.
http://pub88.ezboard.com/brealityofadream |
| Boston-Occult  |
| For people in the Massachusetts or Boston, MA area who are interested in occult, mystical, and esoteric topics.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Boston-Occult/ |
| Chicago_Magick  |
| This is an open group dedicated to the practice of magick in the greater Chicago area of Illinois, including portions of Indiana, and Wisconsin.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Chicago_Magick/ |
| Christian Mystics  |
| This group of friends is mystically connected through such Enochian esoteric programs as BOTA, Anthroposophy, The Golden Dawn, along with some branches of Masonic and Rosicrucianism.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ChristianMystics/ |
| Crystal Forum  |
| A meeting place for discussion on the esoteric, the occult, paganism, Wicca, the arts, and other areas of interest.
http://celestialrealms.com/crystal/index.php |
| DMK2000  |
| Modern Magick Project -- Year 2000.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DMK2000 |