| Book of the Ancients  |
| A guide to dark magick and mythology.
http://evilunderground.virtualave.net/digitalevil/texts/ancients.htm |
| Circle of the Raven and the Rose  |
| A ring of web sites dedicated to dark spirituality.
http://v.webring.com/hub?ring=ravenrose |
| Dark Pagan.com  |
| Resources, articles, poetry and a discussion group on the subject of dark spirituality and magick.
http://www.darkpagan.com |
| Gothic Pagan Survey  |
| A survey to better explore how goths view paganism.
http://my.en.com/~wufkitn/GP_Survey.html |
| I am Sunee  |
| Dark Paganism, magick, thoughts and writings.
http://www.geocities.com/sunee999777 |
| Left Hand Path  |
| Collection of Xepera-l mailing list posts concerning the Left Hand Path.
http://www.balanone.info/lhp.html |
| Left Hand Path  |
| An article on LHP from chaosmagic.com, along with related themes.
http://www.chaosmagic.com/archives/leftright/nox/ |
| Left Hand Path - Wikipedia  |
| An overview with related links on the Left Hand Path.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Hand_Path |
| Left Hand Path: the Historicity and Origins of This Term  |
| Detailed history of the LHP and related themes.
http://www.dpjs.co.uk/lefthandpath.html |
| Left Hand Spirituality  |
| An aid for those seeking to learn about left handed spirituality.
http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=lefthandspiritua |