| Dark Net Search Engine  |
| Alternative search engine packed with information on vampirism, magick, astrology and many more occult paths.
http://www.thedarknet.com/ |
| Darklinks: Occultism  |
| Occult links.
http://www.darklinks.com/doccult.html |
| Esoteric Links Directory  |
| A directory of sites on esotericism, consciousness and related topics.
http://www.esotericlinks.com/links/themeindex.html |
| Esotericism Search Engine  |
| A collection of over 4000 categorized sites on Esotericism, magick, philosophy, and other topics.
http://esoterism.com/links/index.html |
| Flectere Magic  |
| Bibliographies and resources on the subject of magic.
http://www.rdg.ac.uk/~lkpbodrd/magbib/ |
| Mage's Guide to the Internet  |
| Directory of forums and text files with a broad spectrum of opinion on arcane, occult, and mystical subjects of interest to the working magician.
http://www.luckymojo.com/magi |
| Magickal Grimoires  |
| Directory of online magickal texts.
http://mikemacd.www5.50megs.com/magick.html |
| MagickSearch  |
| Directory of Pagan business and resource sites. Includes a search engine and free site submission.
http://magicksearch.mysticalweb.net |
| Nequaquam Vacuum  |
| An occult portal to links, occult art, articles and includes a message board.
http://members.lycos.nl/ananael/ |
| Spirit Online Spiritual/Occult Resources  |
| Occult, religion, and metaphysics. Information on Wicca, dreams, astral travel, Buddhism, and related topics.
http://www.spiritonline.com/ |