| 23 Apples of Eris  |
| The Apocrypha Discordia in PDF format.
http://blog.23ae.com/index.php?s=apocrypha |
| A Discordian Coloring Book  |
| Chaos coloring for children.
http://www.dreamspell.net/LKS/eris-frame.html |
| Cabal of the Apathetic  |
| Online Discordian Oracle, short texts, links, and tech support with a gun.
http://discordia.org.uk/ |
| Cabaret Discordia  |
| Chaotic Enlightenment with a Dada groove.
http://www.cobal.org/darkfox/cabdisco/newcabdisco.htm |
| Castle of Chaos  |
| Home of the Sacred Order of O.D.D., an organization that collects documents pertaininng to Eris' home.
http://castlechaos.com |
| ChaosPortal  |
| A portal site dedicated to Discordianism. A community resource with many ways to interact and learn.
http://www.chaosportal.com |
| Church of the Attractive Blue Lighter  |
| Three-fourths of philosophy and literature is the talk of people trying to convince themselves that they really like the cage they were tricked into entering.
http://www.cobal.org/ |
| Dark Vortex  |
| The Hindquarters of the new Schism of the Holy Chao.
http://www.darkvortex.org |
| Discordian Directory  |
| Directory of sites that espouse Discordian principles, or are useful or interesting to Discordians.
http://singlenesia.com/cgi-bin/linkmat.cgi |
| Discordian.com  |
| Sections on sex, memetics, self-illumination, networking, daily life, links, and more.
http://www.discordian.com/ |