| Canonbury Masonic Research Centre  |
| An educational institution supporting the independent study of Freemasonry and of mystical and esoteric traditions worldwide. Book reviews, membership program, and calendar of recent events.
http://www.canonbury.ac.uk/ |
| Centre for Research into Freemasonry  |
| A project of the University of Sheffield (UK) and the Humanities Research Institute that will create bibliographies, guides to research, as well as run an active public programme of lectures, seminars and conferences, and develop its own large-scale research projects.
http://www.shef.ac.uk/~hri/crf.htm |
| Freemasonry and the Druids  |
| Excerpt from 1861 work which draws parallels between Masonic rites and Druidic rituals and customs.
http://www.tarot-decks.com/freemasonry-druids.html |
| Fundamentals of Freemasonry  |
| An essay by Norman Williams Crabbe that describes the basic structure of Freemasonry and its esoteric characteristics.
http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/world/modeur/ph-crabb.htm |
| International Sovereign Sanctuary  |
| International coordination of ancient and primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm.
http://www.iss-ic-memphis-misraim.org/ |
| Masonic Knowledge  |
| Essays and short discussions on esoteric freemasonry and the symbolism thereof.
http://www3.tky.3web.ne.jp/~jafarr/ |
| Masonic Philosophy -- Grand Lodge of Ohio  |
| Masonic Essay from "The Royal Arch" magazine Vol. 19 - No.8 - Winter 1998.
http://ncmason.org/Archive/winter98/MASONIC%20PHILOSOPHY.htm |
| Mystic Free Masonry  |
| Information about Vau Qoppa Sampi Mystic Free Masonry and an application for membership.
http://www.mysticfreemasonry.com |
| Secrecy and Freemasonry  |
| Masonic essay discussing the association between secrecy and freemasonry.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/6779/secrets.html |
| The Blue Lodge  |
| A Masonic essay providing introductory information about traditional and regular freemasonry as it exists throughout the world and as practiced in Belgium.
http://glrb.org/Elivre.htm |