| Golden Aeon  |
| Essays about the history, magic, and structure of the Golden Dawn that were utilized in the research for 'Golden Aeon', a Victorian occult drama.
http://www.vialarp.org/GD/ |
| Golden Dawn FAQ  |
| Extensive FAQ and reading list.
http://www.flashback.se/archive/gdfaq.html |
| Golden Dawn Gallery  |
| Photo gallery of the prominent members of the early Golden Dawn.
http://www.cafes.net/ditch/GDgallery.htm |
| Golden Dawn Research Center  |
| A resource for serious students who desire a deeper understanding of the classical Golden Dawn's teachings and practices. Several Golden Dawn styles, Orders and temples are listed to aid the traveler on the pathway of light.
http://www.golden-dawn.org/ |
| Golden Dawn Web Ring  |
| A ring of various web sites related to the Golden Dawn.
http://d.webring.com/hub?ring=goldendawn |
| Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn  |
| A brief but detailed account of Golden Dawn history.
http://www.angelfire.com/nt/dragon9/GOLDENDAWN.html |
| Hermetica: A History of the Western Esoteric Tradition  |
| An overview of the Western Esoteric tradition with emphasis on the Golden Dawn and the main personalities involved in its creation.
http://www.kheper.net/topics/Hermeticism/index.html |
| Mazohir the Magician's Book of Shadows  |
| Includes essays and poems by the author with information on qabalistic theories and the Golden Dawn ritual tools.
http://www.geocities.com/nisetar/main.html |
| Self Initiation in the Golden Dawn Tradition  |
| The Magickal system of the Golden Dawn is a system of Spiritual attainment. Its use in the world is one in which the aspirant may achieve Spiritual Growth and progress, providing they are willing to do the work.
http://www.geocities.com/solomon_4/index.html |
| Self-Initiation into Magic and the Golden Dawn  |
| An online magical guide for both the solitary magician and the working magical group.
http://www.self-initiation.com/ |