| An Introduction to the Corpus Hermeticum  |
| The fifteen tractates of the Corpus Hermeticum, along with the Perfect Sermon or Asclepius, are the foundation documents of the Hermetic tradition.
http://www.sacred-texts.com/chr/herm/h-intro.htm |
| Ancient Wisdom for the 21st Century  |
| The modern teachings of Hermes Trismegistus; reality creating, out of body travel, dreams, and the Kabbalah.
http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/ |
| Appendix One: Inventory and Chronology of Hermetic Literature  |
| Details various Hermetic writings and when they were published.
http://www.granta.demon.co.uk/arsm/jg/appen1.html |
| Argotique  |
| A collection of resources for the student of the western mystery tradition, including the tarot, the tree of life, the magical alphabet, and short texts on alchemy and magic.
http://www.argotique.com/ |
| Cauda Pavonis: Studies in Hermeticism  |
| Publishes scholarly material on all aspects of alchemy and hermeticism and their influence on the arts, philosophy, religion, and the history of science and medicine.
http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~english/CaudaPavonis.html |
| Collectum Hermeticus  |
| A comprehensive collection hermetic texts and writings.
http://www.geocities.com/collectumhermeticus |
| Corpus Hermeticum  |
| An article discussing these texts.
http://www.granta.demon.co.uk/arsm/jg/corpus.html |
| Dario Salas Institute for Hermetic Philosophy  |
| DSI is a Corporation whose mission is the spiritual, moral and intellectual betterment of the human being.
http://www.dsiny.org |
| Emerald Tablet of Hermes  |
| The history of the tablet with commentary from various historical figures.
http://www.sacred-texts.com/alc/emerald.htm |
| End of Europe's Middle Ages - Hermeticism  |
| An introduction to Hermeticism.
http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/endmiddle/bluedot/hermetic.html |