| 'It was as if I heard the heartbeat of eternity'  |
| Regarding J. R. Ritman and the Hermetic Library. Translation of an article by Liesbeth Koenen which appeared in Akademienieuws 67 April 2002, pp. 2-5.
http://www.ritmanlibrary.nl/c/p/lib/jrr/vi_on_02.html |
| Esoteric Book Review  |
| Book reviews on the paranormal, mysteries, conspiracy, and ancient history. Also a list of free paranormal radio links.
http://members.rogers.com/esotericbooks/ |
| Esoterica: The Journal of Esoteric Studies  |
| A peer-reviewed academic journal devoted to the transdisciplinary study of Western esotericism.
http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/ |
| Esotericism - What Is It?  |
| An article describing esotericism and the methods used for attaining spiritual awareness. Gives suggested readings for further research.
http://www.innerself.com/Spirituality/esotericism.htm |
| Galactica  |
| The Journal of Paganism, Occultism, Mysticism, Existentialism, and Western Culture.
http://www.galacticapublishing.com/ |
| In The Light of Truth, The Grail Message  |
| The Grail Message is the guide to life and death, Paradise, God, marriage, reincarnation, fate, karma, existence, and Creation.
http://www.grailnet.org |
| Journal of the Western Mystery Tradition  |
| Bi-annual online publication covering esoteric topics written by members of the occult community. Includes link to the official message board.
http://www.jwmt.org/ |
| Liongate Online  |
| Online version of established esoterica and Western Mystery Tradition magazine featuring articles, interviews and artwork on varying themes within the mystery traditions.
http://www.liongate.org.uk/ |
| Magus Mysteria  |
| An Occult oriented meta-news site with forums and other features that focus on the Occult, the Unexplained, and Alternative Spirituality.
http://www.magusmysteria.com/ |
| Monas  |
| Collection of hermetic and esoteric essays. Also includes occult book and film reviews.
http://www.monas.nl |