| Companions of the Glyph  |
| Working magickal order formed from members of various other groups.
http://www.geocities.com/athens/oracle/8465/ |
| Company of Avalon  |
| Explores the western mystery tradition in the style of Dion Fortune, Bligh Bond and other Avalonians. Correspondance courses offered in magick and the kaballah.
http://www.companyofavalon.net/ |
| Gnomon Esoteric Expressionist Cooperative  |
| A non-profit organization of esoteric artists and thinkers from around the world.
http://www.gnomon.org/ |
| Henry T. Laurency Publishing Foundation  |
| Esoteric knowledge for our time. Pythagoras' secret teaching.
http://www.laurency.com/ |
| Illumined Order of the Dynamic Elements  |
| Combines Freemasonry, Illuminism, and Luciferianism into a single system of enlightenment and study.
http://www.dynamic-elements.org/ |
| The London Lodge of the Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society. It is a practical magick group which meets regularly for rituals in London.
http://www.lawbright.com/logdos/ |
| National Occult Research Association  |
| A nonprofit organization dedicated to furthering research and scholastic endeavors in occult science. Features a forum, wide range of articles and links.
http://www.occultresearch.org |
| Omnimancy  |
| A group of mages based in northern New Jersey who have been active as a group for the past 10 years. They practice a non-ritual form of magic based on the original concepts and research of Arthur, the founder of Omnimancy and this group.
http://www.omnimancy.com/ |
| Order of the Celestial Dragon  |
| Spiritual order blending the esoteric and pagan paths to form their own unique mysticism.
http://www.geocities.com/ordercelestialdragon |
| Order of the Golden Phoenix  |
| A group of ceremonial magickians training students interested in the Western Mystery Tradition.
http://www.geocities.com/frater_sa/ |