| 42.hostfox.net  |
| Mike Lewis explores life, the universe and spirituality.
http://42.hostfox.net |
| Ben Vaughan  |
| Information and writings by the author on ritual magick, scrying with mirrors, crystal ball reading, and local folklore in Tring.
http://uk.geocities.com/benvaughan49/ |
| Black Opal  |
| Covers various esoteric topics such as magick, Thelema and Gnosticism. Includes links and documents.
http://home.iprimus.com.au/lunetta/ |
| Cardoza's Dragon Magick and Alchemy  |
| Explores the Great Work of spiritual transformation through witchcraft, magick and alchemy. Includes comparative methodologies from various cultures.
http://www.angelfire.com/nt/dragon9/ |
| Ceremonial Magick Place  |
| Artistic renderings related to ceremonial magick.
http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/1245/ |
| Corpus Stavish  |
| The writings of Mark Stavish.
http://www.hermetic.com/stavish/index.html |
| Daemonology  |
| Information on Demonology and views on other forms of magick.
http://www.geocities.com/shatav/ |
| Daniel the Romanian White Magic Sorcerer  |
| A legendary explanation for the author's magickal powers, combined with keen insights into bioenergetic fields and their correlation with magick.
http://the-sorcerer.home.ro |
| Dark Night of the Soul  |
| A compendium of occult, religious, and philosophical studies mixed with personal experiences.
http://www.madghoul.com/ |
| Dashekan Order  |
| Explores variations of common western themes.
http://www.dasheka.org/dasheka/documents.php3 |