| Advice for Satanic Web Site Design  |
| Combining satire and sarcasm, an explanation is given describing the typical pit-falls of many websites. A to-do list (or not-to-do) for those designing websites dealing with Satanism.
http://www.angelfire.com/ab3/Advisor666/ |
| Asylum of Satan  |
| Online museum of the underworld, current and ongoing artistic endeavors.
http://www.asylum-of-satan.com/ |
| Circle Of Nine  |
| Information on satanism and numerological practices and theories.
http://www.circleofnine.dk3.com |
| Dark Doctrines  |
| Philosophical and Satanic texts by various writers. Provides a link to #satanmuse, an IRC chat room.
http://www.apodion.com/vad/ |
| Darklander  |
| Art of darkness, mythology of Finland, occult, satanism.
http://www.darklander.net/ |
| Devil in Blighty  |
| UK Satanist resource site. Contains essays, FAQ's, free web-based Email accounts and a messageboard for others to interact.
http://www.geocities.com/necrotica69/ |
| Devil Spawn  |
| Large online library containing texts by various Satanic organizations.
http://www.geocities.com/satanism_au/ |
| Draconis Blackthorne's Shadowmantium  |
| Satanic philosophy, literature and art.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2669/shadowmantium.html |
| Naos  |
| Articles on magick and Satanism.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5777/ |
| Nasz Dom: Satanism and Satanic Influence  |
| An article comparing the Church of Satan, Temple of Set and the Order of Nine Angels. Written by the ONA.
http://www.whiteunderground.com/ona/mercury/satanism_and_satanic_influence.htm |