| Centro Cultural Hebreo  |
| Jewish Cultural Center in San Jose, Costa Rica offering classes, workshops and activities to showcase Jewish culture and open it to the general public. It also organizes trips to Costa Rica for student groups and families in a Jewish environment, including kosher food and Shabat observance.
http://www.centroculturalhebreo.com |
| Iraqi Jews  |
| Information about the Jews who who left Baghdad during the 1960's and 1970's and who are now dispersed all over the world.
http://thesite2000.virtualave.net/iraqijews/index1.html |
| Jewish Communities of the World  |
| Links to Harry Leichter's Jewish communities of the world.
http://www.haruth.com/JewsoftheWorld.html |
| Jewish India  |
| Mean The Jewish community in India is introduced through publications, programs, pictures, trips, and personal experiences of Rahel Musleah, born into a Calcutta Jewish family that traces its roots to 17th century Baghdad.
http://www.rahelsjewishindia.com |
| Jewish Toronto  |
| Information on the organizations, people, places and events of this exciting community. 'Jewish Toronto' is a UJA Federation of greater Toronto service.
http://www.jewishtoronto.net |
| Nachal Novea Mekor Chochma  |
| Torah community in the Holy City of Tsfat, the mystical capital of the world, established and dedicated to revealing the light of Rebbe Nachman's spiritual pathway.
http://nachalnovea.com/kiryatbreslev/home/home.htm |
| Nikolaev Jewish Culture Community  |
| All about Jewish life in Nikolaev, people search, gallery of the city, weather
http://www.jewish.mk.ua |
| Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council  |
| An association of 22 synagogues and other religious, education, fraternal and community organizations.
http://neqjcc.tripod.com |
| The Jews of Cuba  |
| The Jews of Cuba, those few who remained after Castro took power, are able to worship openly again after almost three decades of religious restriction.
http://jewishcuba.org/ |