| Academy for Jewish Religion  |
| Offers Jewish education to rabbis and cantors including torah, Jewish music, bible study, meditation, cantorial training and rabbinic ordination. Welcomes students worldwide.
http://www.ajrsem.org/ |
| Alef - Open Torah Study  |
| E-courses in Torah and Judaism, including Tanach, Bible, Halacha, and Jewish Philosophy, for students of all backgrounds
http://www.vbm-torah.org/alef.htm |
| All Things Jewish  |
| A leading gateway to resources on Judaism.
http://jewish.virtualave.net |
| Bais Chana of California  |
| Dynamic classes, events, and mentors based on chassidus offered to Jewish women in Los Angeles.
http://www.baischanaca.com |
| Bureau of Jewish Education of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties  |
| The BJE is a non-profit educational institution serving the San Francisco-Bay Area Jewish community for over a century
http://www.bjesf.org |
| e-Chinuch.org  |
| A comprehensive database of resource materials for Jewish Yeshiva educators. Requires registration.
http://www.e-chinuch.org/ |
| Exlivnot Archive - Livnot U'Lehibanot  |
| Online archive for Livnot U'Lehibanot's electronic mailing list.
http://www.cgndesigns.com/exlivnot |
| Galim  |
| an Hebrew educational site for kids
http://www.galim.org.il |
| Genesis at Brandeis  |
| Summer program conducted at Brandeis University. Features arts, humanities, Jewish studies and social action.
http://www.brandeis.edu/sumsch/genesis/ |
| Halacha Yomit  |
| A Jewish Law curriculum, appears on weekly sheets containing a halacha for every school day. Use by over thirty Jewish day schools in Israel and North America. It is geared toward 3rd - 9th grade, and is in Ivrit (Hebrew).
http://www.torah.net/sites/halachayomit/index.htm |