| BAYT Hebrew Calendar  |
| Monthly calendar generated as a web page, it includes hebrew dates, jewish holidays, and parsha readings. Also includes C++ source code (open source).
http://www.bayt.org/calendar/ |
| Calendar Maven  |
| Complete information about "Hebrew Calendar" software products, including "Hebrew Calendar for Windows" and "Hebrew Calendar Date Converter ActiveX Control." Evaluation copies available for download.
http://www.calendar-maven.com |
| Hebcal Interactive Jewish Calendar  |
| Interactive web interface for generating a list of Jewish dates and times customized to zip codes, converting between Hebrew and Gregorian dates.
http://www.hebcal.com |
| Hebrew Calendar Science and Myths  |
| A collection of hair-splitting mathematical trivia about the calculation of the Hebrew calendar, leap years, and repetition.
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/1584/ |
| Hebrew/English Calendar with Candle Lighting Times  |
| Perpetual calendar for thousands of locations world-wide.
http://www.chabad.org/calendar/ |
| Jewish calendar on the web  |
| Converts dates between Jewish and civil calendars; displays monthly calendars and candlelighting times for different geographical location.
http://www.hebrewcalendar.net |
| Jewish Holidays  |
| Dates of all major and minor Jewish holidays and fast days, with explanations, observances, and links to other articles of interest. From the OU.
http://www.ou.org/chagim/default.htm |
| Jewish/Civil Calendar Program  |
| Interactive Web program that prints out Jewish and Civil calendars side-by-side. Does not list holidays in either calendar. Source code available.
http://www.uwm.edu/~corre/calendar.html |
| Kaluach  |
| Hebrew and english calendar for Windows. Displays a Hebrew or civil month with holidays, Shabbat portions, and halachic times. User data can be added.
http://www.kaluach.org |
| Kaluach.net  |
| Online Hebrew civil calendar portal. Also receive email reminders of holidays and personal events.
http://www.kaluach.net |