| Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists  |
| Presents the principles of the organization to assist those who are involved in Torah and science from the clergy to the lay person to the professional scientist.
http://www.aojs.org/ |
| Astronomy and Judaism  |
| Links to articles on the history Jewish astronomy.
http://wise-obs.tau.ac.il/judaism/ |
| B'Or Ha'torah - A Journal for the Wondering Jew  |
| For scientists, artists, teachers, philosophers, and students. Judaism and science, evolution, Bible codes, Jewish medical ethics, the Jewish woman and modern life, quantum physics and Jewish Philosophy.
http://www.borhatorah.org |
| Evolutionary Creationism  |
| A view of evolutionism and creationism as dynamic paradox.
http://www.orot.com/ec.html |
| Jewish Nobel Prize Laureates  |
| Links to autobiographies of Jewish Nobel Prize laureates in chemistry, physics, economics, physiology and medicine.
http://www.science.co.il/Nobel.asp |
| Jewish Scientists  |
| Directory of Jewish scientists, Nobel Prize laureates, and organizations.
http://www.science.co.il/JewishSci.asp |
| Jewish Singles in Science  |
| Matchmaking service for the community of Jewish singles and professionals interested in the "sciences".
http://www.jsn.org/Singles/home.html |
| Lecture on Creation , Wittgenstein, and the Meaning of Covenant  |
| The Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth on the Torah view and science view of Creation.
http://www.chiefrabbi.org/faith/creation.html |
| National Institute of Judaism and Medicine  |
| Discussion of Jewish medical ethics.
http://www.nijm.org/ |
| Plants and Judaism  |
| Illlustrated description of Seven Kinds of plants with which the Land of Israel has been blessed
http://www.tau.ac.il/lifesci/botany/judaism.htm |