| Agnes Scott College  |
| Department of Religious Studies. Independent, national liberal arts college for women grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition but with an appreciation for pluralism.
http://www.agnesscott.edu/academics/p_departments.asp?id=32 |
| Alma College  |
| Religious Studies Department. Alma, Michigan.
http://www.alma.edu/academics/relstudies/ |
| Arizona State University, Tempe  |
| The Department of Religious studies brings together perspectives and approaches from history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, and literature to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the individuals and traditions that constitute religions and cultures. When students major or minor in religious studies they can tailor their program to suit their individual interests, such as focusing on a particular region of the world, or a particular religious tradition.
http://www.asu.edu/clas/religious_studies/index.html |
| Brown University  |
| The Department of Religious Studies offers a graduate program leading to the degrees of M.A. and Ph.D., with specializations in History of Religions: Early Christianity and Western Religious Thought.
http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Religious_Studies/ |
| Butler University  |
| The Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies offers majors and minors in philosophy and religious studies as well as a combined major. The religious studies major offers students the opportunity to engage in critical and sympathetic study of various religious traditions, to study religious literature, to examine more general questions regarding the nature of religion, and to examine their own religious heritage and experience.
http://butler.edu/philrel/ |
| California State University, Chico  |
| Department of Religious Studies. The academic study of religion at CSU, Chico, focuses on a) historical studies of Eastern and Western religious traditions; b)textual studies of the sacred writings in religious traditions; c) methodological studies which seek to understand and interpret religious traditions and cultural symbols; and d)cognate studies which relate religion to aspects of culture such as literature and the arts, ethics and law, psychology, sociology, and philosophy.
http://www.csuchico.edu/rs/ |
| California State University, Northridge  |
| The Religious Studies Department at California State University, Northridge offers a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies. The Department encourages students to draw upon a variety of fields and disciplines for African-American Studies, Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology. A major will be able to interpret religious texts, think both empathetically and critically about conflicting religious claims, acquire knowledge of the history of more than one major religious tradition, apply intercultural methods to religious inquiry and analysis, and articulate a perception of one's role in society, in both career and public service options.
http://www.csun.edu/religious.studies/ |
| Centre for Ministry Studies, University of Wales, Bangor  |
| Empirical theology, psychology of religion and religious education are the main areas of research in the centre. PhD supervision is available. The Professor of Practical Theology welcomes informal questions regarding supervision.
http://www.bangor.ac.uk/rs/ms/ |
| Colby College  |
| The academic study of religion focusing upon the origins and historical development of several of the world's major religious traditions with the goal of enabling students to understand and appreciate religious diversity in the modern world.
http://www.colby.edu/rel/ |
| College of Wooster  |
| Department of Religious Studies. The study of religion at Wooster explores the broad dimensions of the many forms of human religiosity. Religion asks questions of meaning, purpose, and value. Many of the fundamental debates of our society (abortion, euthanasia, sexuality, political and economic goals and objectives) are debates about fundamental ways of viewing the world and their related systems of value.
http://www.wooster.edu/religion/ |