| Academic Info: Religion  |
| Directory of Internet resources. Includes categories for specific faiths, world regions, alternative spirituality, and the relation of religion to women, history, and law.
http://www.academicinfo.net/religindex.html |
| Academic Info: Religious Studies  |
| Directory of religious studies and comparative religion Internet resources. Includes categories for academic departments and organizations, online references and texts, comparative religion, and law and religion.
http://www.academicinfo.net/Religion.html |
| Finding God in Cyberspace  |
| Directory of resources on the Internet. Includes categories for online and print resources, academic communities, teaching resources, sub-disciplines of religious studies, specific religious traditions, and the relation of religion with cyberspace.
http://facultyweb.fontbonne.edu/~jgresham/fgic/ |
| Religious Studies Internet Links  |
| Extensive and classified link collection. Covers news, societies and associations, academic departments, course syllabi, journals, electronic texts, bibliographies, and software.
http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwrandc/internet_links.html |
| Religious Studies Page  |
| Gene Thursby's extensive collection of information and links for the study and interpretation of religions. Categories include religious traditions, religious studies programs, teaching resources, and religious experiences.
http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/rel/ |
| Religious Studies Web Guide  |
| Saundra Lipton's collection of free internet resources for academic researchers. Includes denomination and subject specific resources, together with listings of bibliographies, journals, listservs, and software.
http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~lipton/ |
| Virtual Religion Index  |
| Large link collection from Rutgers University, categorised by religion. Also includes resources for ancient religions, archaeology, philosophy, sociology of religion, and psychology of religion.
http://religion.rutgers.edu/vri/index.html |
| Voice of the Shuttle: Religious Studies Page  |
| Includes links to religious sites, journals, sociologists, papers, and sacred texts.
http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2730 |
| World Religions on the Web  |
| Selection of religious studies resources for religious texts, specific religions, religious history, and reference tools. Links current as of June 2002. (June, 2002)
http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crlnews/backissues2002/june/worldreligions.htm |
| WorldReligionProf.com  |
| Personal pages of Dr Raeburn Wallen. Biography, and large link selection categorized by religion.
http://www.worldreligionprof.com/ |