| Arts  |
| Selections from print journal offering global range but exclusively Christian perspectives on the various arts.
http://www.artsmag.org/ |
| Axis Mundi  |
| An online student journal at University of Alberta for academic study of Religion.
http://www.arts.ualberta.ca/axismundi/ |
| Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture  |
| Print and electronic annual bulletin. Individual articles available for download in PDF; includes cumulative index.
http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/Bulletin_and_Shoho/Bulletin.htm |
| Culture and Religion  |
| Print journal supporting discussion of the relations between cultural studies and religious studies.
http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/01438301.html |
| Diskus  |
| International religious studies electronic journal edited by Brian Bocking and published since 1993. Abstracts and full text of articles.
http://www.uni-marburg.de/religionswissenschaft/journal/diskus/ |
| Folklore  |
| Electronic journal from Estonia that includes articles on various religious traditions.
http://haldjas.folklore.ee/folklore/ |
| Harvard Divinity Bulletin  |
| Quarterly publication covering contemporary issues in religion and theology. Some full-text articles.
http://www.hds.harvard.edu/dpa/news/bulletin/ |
| History of Religions  |
| Print journal. Subscription information and Table of Contents only.
http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/HR/ |
| Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies  |
| Semi-annual peer-reviewed electronic journal. Articles, reviews, projects and conference news.
http://syrcom.cua.edu/Hugoye/ |
| Image: A Journal of the Arts and Religion  |
| Print journal. Some selected contents and additional resources.
http://www.imagejournal.org/ |