| Academic Info: New Religious Movements  |
| An annotated directory of Internet resources for the study of NRMs and alternative spirituality. Includes categories for academic study, Christian and secular responses, and specific movements.
http://www.academicinfo.net/nrms.html |
| AFF's Cult Information Service  |
| Resources concerning psychological manipulation, cult groups, sects, and new religious movements. Includes conferences, full text essays, study guides, and details of periodicals.
http://www.csj.org/ |
| Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR)  |
| Established in 1988 and recognized in Italy as a public cultural institution in 1996, CESNUR is an international research center in the field of religious studies and new religious movements.
http://www.cesnur.org/ |
| Cults and New Religious Movements: A Bibliography  |
| Extensive reference list of scholarly literature pertaining to cults and NRMs.
http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/aar-nrm/nanninga.htm |
| Cults and Religion: Nurelweb  |
| Includes complete texts of selected academic works, an exploration of African religions, and a mailing list: nurel-l.
http://www.ucalgary.ca/~nurelweb/ |
| Cults: From Positive to Homicidal Faith Groups  |
| Essays from the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance cover cults, NRMs, the counter-cult movement, and attitudes toward minority religions.
http://www.religioustolerance.org/cultmenu.htm |
| GRIS di Roma  |
| Italy based organization for the study of NRMs. Includes articles from "Cults & Society: An Internet Journal", press articles, and related documents. Site in English, Italian, and French.
http://www.grisroma.it/ |
| INFORM: Information Network Focus on Religious Movements  |
| London School of Economics based charity providing information about NRMs. Listing of events and seminars.
http://www.inform.ac/infmain.html |
| New Religious Movements Group  |
| An American Academy of Religion program unit engaging in the scholarly study of NRMs. Outline of activities and links to journals, directories, and professional societies.
http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/aar-nrm/ |
| Online Texts About Cults and New Religious Movements  |
| Extensive listing of links to complete text articles.
http://www.skepsis.nl/onlinetexts.html |