| Jeff Richey's Home Page  |
| Religious studies professor at The University of Findlay. Contains CV and links to online resources in Asian studies, religious studies, and Quaker concerns.
http://www.findlay.edu/users/richey/Home/home.html |
| Neighbors: Discover the Real World Religions  |
| Excerpts from book by Scot Aaron.
http://PsalmPublishing.bei.t-online.de |
| Religion Book Reviews  |
| A collection of book reviews by Danny Yee, covering a mix of academic and popular titles concerned with religion and religious studies.
http://dannyreviews.com/s/religion.html |
| Ruland, Vernon  |
| Brief descriptions and ordering information for four books on psychology, ethics, and social anthropology by professor of world religions at the University of San Francisco.
http://www.usfca.edu/fac-staff/rulandv/vernweb |