| Adherents.com  |
| Resources for research into world religions, large and (very) small. Includes links to websites, research papers, statistics, and specialized search engines.
http://www.adherents.com/ |
| American Religion Data Archive  |
| Collection of quantitative survey data on churches and church membership, religious professionals, and religious groups (individuals, congregations and denominations). Data sets available for download.
http://www.thearda.com/ |
| American Religious Experience  |
| The American Religious Experience Project encourages the depiction and study of the rich and varied tapestry of the American religious experience on the World Wide Web. The project directors welcome manuscript submissions.
http://are.as.wvu.edu/ |
| Association for the Sociology of Religion  |
| International scholarly association that seeks to advance theory and research in the sociology of religion.
http://www.sociologyofreligion.com/ |
| Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies (ASARB)  |
| Statisticians and researchers who collect and publish information about denominations and other faith groups in the United States. Details of annual event, some sample statistics, and how to join.
http://www.asarb.org |
| Christian Research Association  |
| Statistics, a full research monograph, and regular news about religious behaviour in Australia. Books and a CD-ROM also available for order.
http://www.cra.org.au/ |
| God is Dead: Secularization and the West  |
| Danny Yee reviews Steve Bruce's book "God is Dead", which explains and defends the secularization paradigm.
http://dannyreviews.com/h/God_Dead.html |
| Helland, Christopher  |
| Doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto, with research interests in religion in cyberspace and new religious movements.
http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~chelland/index.html |
| Institute for the Study of American Religion  |
| The Institute was founded in 1969 in Evanston, Illinois as a religious studies research facility with a particular focus upon the smaller religions of the United States, such as minority religions, alternative religions, non-conventional religions, spiritual movement, and new religious movements.
http://www.americanreligion.org/ |
| Real International Statistics on Religion  |
| Religion statistics for many countries. Includes surveys to measure beliefs about God, Bible, reincarnation, hell, life after death, atheism, agnosticism, and so on.
http://religionstatistics.bravehost.com/statofrel1.htm |