| A Short Course in Scrying  |
| This document was originally presented as a series of posts on the "enochian-l" and "Praxis" email lists. Also applies scrying skills to Enochian magick.
http://www.hermetic.com/browe-archive/ashort.htm |
| An Overview of Different Types of Scrying  |
| An article outlining several different methods of scrying.
http://realmagick.com/articles/56/2056.html |
| Dark Pools: The Art of Scrying  |
| Article on scrying focusing on water and mirrors.
http://www.norwichmoot.paganearth.com/darkpools.htm |
| Intuitive Divination: Crystallomancy, Hydromancy and Pyromancy  |
| Addresses several methods and mediums of scrying.
http://www.geocities.com/~firesilk/lecture15.html |
| Odds and Ends about Scrying  |
| Explores different methods, preparation, tips and techniques of scrying.
http://www.angelfire.com/ky/occultobservatory/scry.html |
| Scrying  |
| Addresses the history on scrying with a brief on methods.
http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/s/scrying.html |
| Scrying  |
| Explores the definition and methods of scrying, along with a simple relaxation exercise.
http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/davehypno/scrying.html |
| Scrying  |
| How-to in point form. Includes list of possible interpretations of visions.
http://members.ozemail.com.au/~kitiara/Scrying.htm |
| Scrying  |
| A poem on scrying with a pagan theme.
http://www.celticmist.freeserve.co.uk/scrying.htm |
| Scrying  |
| Includes brief history, preparation, and practice.
http://www.mystic-mouse.co.uk/WisdomTexts/Scrying.htm |